about 220 miles
Taplow to Camebridge England is a distance of 119Km the journey takes 1hr 16mins.
The distance in the United Kingdom from Cambridge, England, to Cardiff, South Wales, is 150 air miles. That equals 242 kilometers or 130 nautical miles.
The distance from York, England, to Liverpool, England, is 87 miles. That equals 140 kilometers or 76 nautical miles.
5476 MI/ 8813 KM
The air distance from Cambridge, England, to Mombasa, Kenya, is 4,513 miles. That equals 7,263 kilometers or 3,921 nautical miles.
There is a village in New York State called Cambridge. There's also a city called Cambridge in Maryland. There are probably many more towns and cities called Cambridge in the U.S. But the most famous Cambridge (outside of England, anyway) is the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge, MA, is home to Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Driving distance: 161.74 miles / 260.3 kilometers - Time: 2:38 h
what is the distance between Buckingham to Cambridge university
hat is the distance between Stansted and cambridge?
Cambridge is a city in England. Within that city is the University of Cambridge.
Depending on Which Cambridge, but the Cambridge in England is famous for its University