The distance from Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Tyler, Texas is 498.56 miles. The time it would take to get there would be 7 hours and 32 minutes. You would just take I-20 WEST. To bypass Shreveport, take I-220 WEST - BYPASS. (EXIT 26 off I-20 in Louisiana, then EXIT 1B off I-220 - BYPASS to get back onto I-20 WEST).
The driving distance between Dallas, TX and Tuscaloosa, AL is 584 miles. The driving time would be approximately 9 hours if driving non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)It is 586.37 miles according to MapQuest.approximately 537.36 miles depending on where exactly your going and from where
About 48 miles.
The driving distance between Tyler, TX and Texarkana, TX is approximately 120 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
About 120 miles
91 miles
210 miles
It is about 150 miles.
193 miles
The shortest driving distance is 74 miles.
Tyler is 200 miles north of Houston
237 miles
92 miles across I-20.