The driving distance is about 90 miles.
From Halifax, NS to Boston, Mass. it is about 657 miles.
Distance from westboro mass to white mountAin nh
The total driving distance from NYC to Boston, MA is 210 miles.
About 385 miles.
About 114 miles on MA-3
The distance between Boston and Niagara Falls is about 410 miles. Should take 7 hours or so to get there from Mass.
The distance in road miles between Boston, MA and Portsmouth, NH is approximately 55 miles.
245 miles
53 miles up I-95.
Using this website:, the flying distance from Boston, Mass. to Keflavik, Iceland is: 2410 miles or 3880 km.
Flight Mileage is 1551Dallas and Boston are approximately 1,548 miles apart from each other (1,764 miles by car).