The driving distance from San Diego, CA to LAX is 126 miles.
The flight distance from Tucson, Arizona to San Diego, California is 365 miles.
The flight distance from San Diego, California to Atlanta, Georgia is 1,891 miles.
The driving distance from San Diego, California to Medford, Oregon is 812 miles.
The driving distance between San Diego and Las Vegas is 332 miles.
The driving distance from San Diego to Morro Bay, CA is about 325 miles.
It's a 5 mile drive from the San Diego Zoo to the San Diego airport.
Easy, if their longitudes are different. Examples: -- San Francisco and Virginia Beach VA have about the same latitude. -- HongKong and Havana, Cuba have about the same latitude. -- San Diego, Charleston SC, and Casablanca, Morocco have about the same latitude.
well the distance form san Diego and ca and bora bora is 156743.
The total driving distance from San Diego, CA to Stockton, CA is 459 miles or 739 kilometers.
Assuming you mean San Diego, CA that is 2651 miles which is 4266 km. ================ Distance from San Diego to Juneau is 1951.8 Miles( 3141.1 Kilometers / 1695 Nautical Miles ) ==================