It is 2,353 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between Portland OR and Columbus OH is about 2,414 road miles.
The distance between Columbus, Ohio and Portland, Oregon is approximately 2,300 miles. The drive time is around 35-40 hours depending on the route taken, traffic, and stops along the way.
It is about 1 hour
145 miles
3 hours
The driving distance is about 225 miles.
47 miles.
The distance from Columbus, Ohio to Toledo, Ohio is about 143 miles. The estimated travel time by car using mostly expressways is about 2 hours and 34 minutes.
The distance from Canton, Ohio to Toledo, Ohio is about 159 miles. The estimated travel time by car using mostly expressways is about 2 hours and 41 minutes.
The distance from Columbus, Ohio to Toledo, Ohio is about 143 miles. The estimated travel time by car using mostly expressways is about 2 hours and 34 minutes.
The distance in Ohio from Toledo to Bowling Green is 23 miles. That equals 38 kilometers and about 30 minutes in driving time.