What is the distance form Charlotte nc to valdosta, GA
What is the distance between tampa, FL and Charlotte NC
The driving distance from Welcome, NC 27295, USA to Charlotte, NC, USA is 62.4 miles.
The total driving distance from Tampa, FL to Charlotte, NC is 580 miles or 933 kilometers.
The driving distance is about 235 miles.
The shortest distance is 83 miles.
The distance between Charlotte, NC and Asheville, NC is 129 miles. It takes about 2 hours to travel to drive from one city to the next by car.
The shortest driving distance is 85.5 miles.
about 83 miles
140 miles
The straight line distance between Charlotte NC, USA, and Cardiff, Wales, is 3,865 miles. (6,219km).
The driving distance from Charlotte, NC, USA to Williamsburg, VA, USA is 316.31mi / 509.05km