It is 248 miles according to Google Maps.
Probably Myrtle Beach, SC. About 250 driving miles east from Greenville, SC.
It's approximately 150 miles between Columbia, SC and Myrtle Beach, SC (and will take almost three hours.)
81 miles
There are about 266.414 miles between Chester, VA and Myrtle Beach, SC.
Fastest/closest beach would be in Charleston, SC approximately 3hrs away. Myrtle beach is closer as the crow flies but actually takes about and hour or so longer; there is not an efficient way to get there from Greenville, SC.
246 miles, or about 4 hours and 13 minutes.
The driving time from Grenville to Myrtle Beach is approximately 4 to 5 hours.
about 240 miles
The distance is 68 miles.
If you take I-20 east it's about 248 miles.
The distance from Baltimore, MD to Myrtle Beach, SC is about 487.2 miles (according to the shortest route on Mapquest).