There are 2 locations in Australia called Emerald. One in Queensland and one in Victoria. From the Gold Coast, Qld, to Emerald, Qld, is a distance of 925 km, and would take about 10 hours to travel. From the Gold Coast, Qld, to Emerald, Victoria, is a distance of 1717 km, and would take about 19 hours of travelling time.
It is about 843km from Maryborough QLD to Proserpine QLD by car.
From Brisbane to Dysart by road is a distance of 963 km.The journey takes around 12 hours.
The driving distance from Cairns QLD, Australia to Townsville City QLD 4810, Australia is 215.65mi / 347.05km
From Brisbane to the mining town of Dysart, it is best to travel north also the Bruce Highway, or highway A1, to Rockhampton. Near Rockhampton, look for the roundabout indicating Gracemere and Emerald to the west. About 120 km later, take the Fitzroy Developmental Road which will take you onto Middlemount Rd. This, in turn, will lead you to the Dysart-Moranbah Rd, from which one takes the Dysart Connection Rd.
From Dysart to Mackay is a distance of about 250 km, and takes 3 hours to travel by road.
234 miles
From Murwillumbah, NSW to Coolangatta, Qld is a distance of 32 km by road.
The address of the Dysart Historical Society is: Pob 250, Dysart, IA 52224
11 km
It takes around ten hours to drive from Capella, Qld to the Sunshine Coast. The distance is 874km.
348 miles