The driving distance from Williamsburg, VA, USA to Newport News, VA, USA is 21mi / 34km
The driving distance between Charlottesville VA and Williamsburg VA is about 121 road miles.
The distance between Williamsburg, VA and Newport News, VA is approximately 20 miles.
The driving distance from Austin, TX to Williamsburg, VA is 1,520 miles.
162 miles
The driving distance from Charlotte, NC, USA to Williamsburg, VA, USA is 316.31mi / 509.05km
59 miles
The address of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association is: Po Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0110
2 hrs 13mins
61 miles
The distance in road miles between Washington, DC and Williamsburg, VA is approximately 150 miles depending on the specific route taken.
60 miles