Distance between valencia e sevilla?
It's about 440 miles from Barcelona to Santander.
The driving distance from Valencia, California to Boston is about 2,983 miles.
The flight distance from Cairo, Egypt to Valencia, Venezuela is: 6,418 miles / 10,329 km
440 miles
533 miles
It's 182 miles from Santander to Andar de Duero
436 miles
The distance from La Coruña to Valencia is approximately 480 miles.
There are major port cities facing each of the major bodies of water surrounding Spain. To the Atlantic Ocean, you can visit Cadiz. In the Bay of Biscay, there is Bilbao and Santander. To the Mediterranean Sea, you can visit Barcelona, Ibiza, and Valencia.
The Distance between Madrid (Autonomous Region of Madrid,Madrid) and Valencia (Valencian Community,Valencia) is : 302.35 kilometers (km).The approximate travel/road distance can be around 347.7 km to 377.94 km