The halfway point between Apple Valley, CA and Surprise AZ, falls in Blythe, California.
Driving distance Tucson AZ to Roseburg OR is 1,270 miles
The driving distance from Calgary, AB, Canada to Tucson, AZ, USA is 1634.18mi / 2629.96km
The driving distance from Tucson, AZ to Schamburg, IL is 1,785 miles - about 1 day 3 hours.
The driving distance from Jackson MS to Tucson AZ is 1,353 road miles.
It is 29.2 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 116 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 46.6 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 71.5 miles from Tucson to Tombstone and 184 miles from Phoenix to Tombstone according to Google Maps.
The total driving distance from Tucson, AZ to PHX is 115 miles or 185 kilometers.
about 80 miles
The address of the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance is: , Tucson, AZ 85705-8400