The shortest driving distance is 534 miles.
The address of the Historic Uptown Susanville Inc is: 30 South Roop, Susanville, CA 96130-4336
The drive from San Jose to Susanville should take about 5.5 hours.
The closest city to Susanville, CA is Reno, NV, located approximately 90 miles to the northeast.
1-2 days usually if its in the same state
Hardin Barry was born March 26, 1891, in Susanville, CA, USA.
Frank Ernaga was born August 22, 1930, in Susanville, CA, USA.
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Susanville Indian Rancheria was created in 1923.
182 miles taking this route:Take I-5 NORTH (towards REDDING), from Woodland, to CA-36 to LASSEN NAT'L PARK and SUSANVILLE at EXIT 649 (at Red Bluff); turn off the exit ramp towards LASSEN NAT'L PARK and SUSANVILLE, onto CA-36 EAST.Take CA-36 EAST, through Lassen Nat'l Park, to Chester.
The airport code for Susanville Municipal Airport is SVE.
In 1869 in Susanville, California. Susanville is named for Roop's daughter Susan who died in 1921.