The driving distance from San Francisco, California to Sacramento, California is: 87 miles.
About 250. It is an easy drive.
It is 384 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 87.9 miles.
It is 86.9 miles according to Google Maps.
As the proverbial crow flies, it is approximately 70 miles from Sacramento to the Pacific coast. It is approximately 58 miles from Sacramento to Vallejo on San Francisco Bay.
The flight distance is 84 miles. The shortest driving distance is 105 miles.
blood oxygen
Population wise, San Francisco. Area wise, Sacremento
The driving distance between San Francisco, CA and Sacramento, CA is 88 miles. The driving time would be approximately 1 hours 30 minutes if driving non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
There is a San Francisco (California) in the US. But it is a city, and thus does not have a capital. The capital of California state is Sacramento. *The full name of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is "San Franscisco de Quito."