The distance between Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and Saint John, NB, Canada is 1,109.3 km. This equates to about 11 hours and 8 minutes traveling by road.
The driving distance from Charlottetown, PE, Canada to Saint John, NB, Canada is 96.23mi / 315.8km
The distance from Saint John, NB to Bouctouche, NB is approximately 90 kilometers (56 miles) via Route 15.
Manchester is 393 miles away.
The distance between Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, USA, is approximately 35 miles (56 kilometers) when driving via the nearest border crossing at St. Stephen, NB - Calais, ME.
It is 2.159 miles according to Google Maps.
405 miles on 201 432 miles on 2
200KMS = 2 Hours
It is 76.7 km, 57 mins to get from Sussex to Chipman
11 miles
389 kilometres taking this route:Take (TRANS-CANADA) HIGHWAY 2 EAST from Edmundston to HIGHWAY 7 SOUTH to SAINT JOHN at EXIT 306.Take HIGHWAY 7 SOUTH to HIGHWAY 1 EAST to SAINT JOHN.Take HIGHWAY 1 EAST, through Saint John, to Rothesay.