529 miles
From city centre to city centre, appx 866 kilometres, and 8.5 hours
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Berchtesgaden, Germany is 290 miles.
Zurich to Milan is 174 miles.
It is 78 Miles from Zurich to Koniz
It is 281 Miles from Zurich to Salzburg
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Stuttgart, Germany is 138 miles / 222 km
The flight distance from Venice, Italy to Zurich, Switzerland is: 224 miles / 361 km
The driving distance from Lugano, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland is 129 miles / 208 km
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Graz, Austria is 454 miles / 731 km
The distance from Paris, France to Zurich, Switzerland is approximately 390 kilometers (242 miles) by road.
The driving distance from Zurich Airport to Basal is 631 miles / 1,016 km