what is the distance between Sarasota, Florida and Orlando Florida
The distance between Orlando, FL and Sarasota, FL is 131.5 miles. It takes a little over two hours to make the drive.
The driving distance is about 135 miles.
The driving distance from Sarasota to Orlando is approximately 130 miles, which would take around 2 to 2.5 hours by car depending on traffic conditions.
132 miles- driving.
It is 133 miles according to Google Maps.
What is the distance from atlanta,ga to sarasota,fla
Tampa is closest.
2 hours
Driving Distance: 131 mi , Duration: 2 hours 3 mins , Route: I-4 W and I-75 S
The distance between Orlando, FL and Sarasota, FL is 110 miles. One hour 45 minutes driving time would be a good estimate.This is the route:Take I-4 WEST to I-75 to OCALA and NAPLES at EXIT 9 near Tampa. You want to take I-75 SOUTH towards NAPLES.Take I-75 SOUTH to Sarasota.It is 131 miles according to Google Maps.