There are about 43.976 miles between Leesburg, FL and Zephyrhills, FL.
The shortest driving distance is 47.7 miles.
46 miles.
It is 82.22 miles according to MapQuest.
45 miles taking U.S. 27 SOUTH to FLORDA'S TURNPIKE (toll), then the TURNPIKE SOUTH to Orlando.
The distance between Charlotte FL and Orlando FL is about 140 road miles.
The distance between Orlando, FL and Davie, FL is approximately 200 miles.
There are about 268 miles between Orlando, FL and Homestead, FL.
The distance from Orlando, FL to Springfield, MO is approximately 1,000 miles by road.
The driving distance from Oakland, MD to Orlando, FL is 906 miles.
The driving distance from Orlando, FL, USA to Poinciana, FL, USA is 36.13mi / 58.14km
63 miles