The driving distance from Corning, New York to Buffalo, New York is 125 miles.
The driving distance from Buffalo, NY, to NYC is 372.55mi / 599.57km
330 miles
The driving distance from Athens, Georgia to Buffalo, New York is about 850 miles.
The driving distance from Buffalo, New York to Wytheville, Virginia is 522 miles.
120 miles
There is a distance of 289.2 miles between Albany New York and Buffalo New York. The estimated travel time by car is 4 hours and 11 minutes.
From New York City, NY to Buffalo, NY is 398 miles; 6 hours, 37 minutes driving time.
Buffalo NY is the second largest New York city but there is also a Buffalo in:MinnesotaIowaIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyMissouriMontanaNorth Dakota andOklahoma.
From Buffalo, NY to New York City, NY is 398 miles; 6 hours, 37 minutes driving time.
Buffalo, NY is 398 miles from New York City, NY and is approximately 6 1/2 hours drive away.
Lily Dale, New York is not terribly far from Buffalo, New York. It is just outside Cassadaga in between the Cassadaga Lakes. The distance in a straight line between the two are roughly 43.37 miles and is about an hour out from Downtown Buffalo via car.