37 miles
Stowe Vt is approximately 180 miles from Foxborough, Ma. as the crow flies.
about 185 niles
It is 3,035 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance is about 155km / 97 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 183 miles.
It is 334.93 miles according to MapQuest.
Stowe to Montreal can take anywhere from 1&1/2 to 3 hours by car depending on traffic and the border.
The shortest driving distance is 202 miles.
The driving distance between Stowe and Bangor, Maine is approximately 230 miles via I-95 North. This route typically takes around 4 hours to drive, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
It is 96.3 miles according to Google Maps.
The bus ride from Burlington, Vermont to Montreal, Canada is about 1 hour and 45 minutes in length. This is about 97 miles in distance.