The flight distance from North Carolina (NC) to Michigan (MI) is 588 miles.
yes, in 2009 they beat Michigan State Michigan State-MSU North Carolina-UNC
The driving distance from Raleigh, North Carolina to Kernersville, North Carolina is about 97 miles.
The driving distance between the North Carolina state line and Detroit MI is about 520 road miles and the driving time is approximately nine (9) hours.
There is no such thing as fayetville, North Carolina but the distance between Durham, North Carolina and FAYETTEViLLE, North Carolina is 89.0 miles which is 1hour and 33mins
The driving distance from Greensboro to Raleigh is approximately 80 miles.
I'm not sure of the exact distance but i do know that Myrtle beach is in South Carolina and ashville is in the mountains of North Carolina.
140 miles.
92.89 miles
3,700 miles to the Northern pole From North Carolina
What is the distance in miles from Fuquay Varina North Carolina to Cary North Carolina
yes you can drive in Michigan