The air distance -- within Australia -- from Melbourne, Victoria, to Launceston, Tasmania, is 274 miles. That equals 441 kilometers or 238 nautical miles.
Driving from Melbourne, you will first take the FERRY to DEVONPORT, TASMANIA. Then from there it is 100 km to Launceston taking HIGHWAY 1.
The travel time between Melbourne and Tasmania on the ferry The Spirit of Tasmania is 10 hours. However, the ferry does not travel to Hobart, instead docking at Launceston, in Tasmania's north.
The air distance between Brisbane, Queensland and Launceston, Tasmania is 1,637 km or 1,017 miles.
277 air miles (445 kilometers).
The flight form Melbourne to Launceston takes 33 minutes.
The ferry from Devenport, Tasmania travels to Melbourne and the ride is about 10 1/2 hours. To travel from Tasmania to Sydney, you will have to either take the ferry to Melbourne and take a bus, plane, train or drive to Sydney, or fly directly from Launceston, Devenport or Hobart, Tasmania.
296 miles
One thousand six hundred thirty-nine (1,639) is the kilometer distance from Brisbane, Australia, to Launceston, Tasmania. That equals 1,018 air miles or 885 nautical miles.
Hobart and Launceston.Hobart and Launceston.
Hobart and Launceston are cities in Australia's island state of Tasmania. Hobart is the capital.
The three largest cities in Tasmania are:Hobart (Tasmania's capital) - population approx. 220,000Launceston - pop. appox. 100,000Devonport - pop. approx. 22,000