The distance between '''Los Angeles, California and '''Beijing, China is '''6257 miles (10069 km).
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Beijing (BJS)
Shortest Flight Duration 12 hours 40 mins
Distance from Flights Los Angeles to China The flight distance from Los Angeles, California to Beijing, China is:6,265 miles / 10083 KMDistance from Cruise Los Angeles to ChinaPort of Shanghai, China to Port of Los Angeles, United States: 19270 nautical milesIf you are travelling with this speed (For Example - Approx Speed: 10 knots Days at sea: 80.3)
The air distance from Los Angeles, California, to Peking (Beijing), China, is 6,266 miles. That equals 10,083 kilometers or 5,445 nautical miles.
7040 MI/11330 KM
24 hours aiport to airport
The distance from Los Angeles to Mazatlan is 1223 miles
6,484 miles according to google maps
7,195mi. Los Angeles to Hong Kong 6,438mi. Los Angeles to Shanghai 6,945mi. New York to the most western border of China. 5,173mi. Los Angeles to the most eastern border of China 4,349mi. Seattle to the most eastern border of China 2,606mi. Adak, Alaska to the most eastern border of China From:
The air distance from Beijing to Los Angeles is approximately 6,250 miles.
The distance from Paris to Los Angeles in nautical miles
About 20 miles
The distance from Los Angeles to Berlin (or vice versa) is exactly 5,759 miles.
= The flight distance from Konahuanui, HI to Los Angeles, California is: =