The direct distance between Los Angeles and Seattle is 954 miles (1536 km).The driving distance from Los Angeles to Seattle is 1,135 mi - about 17 hours 23 mins.It is 1,135 miles and an has an estimated driving time of 18 hours and 40 minutes according to Google Maps
What is the driving distance form los angeles to santa maria ca
It is filmed at Sunset Studios, 6230 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
The driving distance from Atlanta, GA to Los Angeles, CA is 2,180 miles.
There are about 2,625.7 miles between Washington DC and Los Angeles, CA.
The driving distance is about 38 miles.
The driving distance is about 325 miles.
The distance between Santa Cruz, CA and Los Angeles, CA is 349 miles.
Distance from Sacramento to Los AngelesThe distance from Sacramento to Los Angeles is about 384 miles and will take around 5 hours and 40 minutes by car to drive it.
256 miles
129 miles
What is is the distance from Los Angeles to Kingston, Jamaica