The flight distance from Belgium to London, United Kingdom is:
185 miles / 297 km
The flight distance from Belgium to London, United Kingdom is: 185 miles / 297 km
London is in the UK...
Not possible, the North Sea lies between the UK and Belgium
The driving distance from London, UK to Stanground, UK is 135km
The distance from London, UK to Dover, Kent, UK is about 118 kilometers. Dover is west and slightly south of London.
The distance from London, UK to Dover, Kent, UK is about 118 kilometers. Dover is west and slightly south of London.
The flight distance from Belgium to United Kingdom is: 335 miles / 539 km
The driving distance from Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK to London, UK is 26.29mi / 42.32km
The flight distance from Aberdeen, UK to London is about 410 miles.
Because they are the capital cities of Belgium and the UK respectively.
The driving distance from Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK to Spa Francorchamps, Belgium is about 510 miles.
The driving distance from London, UK to Athens, Greece is 3146km