The driving distance from Knoxville, TN, to Daytona Beach, FL, is about 641.58mi / 1032.53km
Rocky Mount, NC
about 392 miles
The driving distance is about 32 miles.
The distance from Jacksboro, TN to Knoxville, TN is approximately 30 miles, and the drive usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic conditions.
The distance between Reidsville, NC and Knoxville, TN is 297 miles and will take about 5 Hours of driving time.
The distance between Knoxville, TN and St Cloud, FL is about 770 miles.
I believe Jekyll Island.
879 miles
79 miles
It is 182 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Atlanta GA to Knoxville TN is 213 road miles.