It is 2393 miles. If you take a plane, it will be 4hrs 21 minutes.
Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.
about 2600 miles
about 2900 miles
The air distance from Portland, Oregon, to Honolulu, Hawaii, is 2,596 miles. That equals 4,178 kilometers or 2,256 nautical miles.
Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.
Washington,Oregon,California,Alaska,and Hawaii
Washington, Oregon and California are on the West coast of the mainland. Alaska and Hawaii are further West.
The flight distance from Oregon to Honolulu International Airport is about 2,590 miles.
The distance coast-to-coast of the contiguous US is about 3000 miles. If you mean from Maine to Hawaii it's about 5000 miles
3785.393 miles
The driving distance from Eugene, Oregon to the Pacific Ocean varies depending on which part of the coast you're heading to. On average, it's about 60-70 miles to reach the closest coastal town like Florence or Newport on the Oregon coast.
Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California.