The driving distance from Frankfurt, Germany to Liège, Belgium is 192.84mi / 310.34km
The distance is about 450 km.
Distance:The distance between Frankfurt, Germany and Brussels, Belgium is 194 miles (313 km).The driving distance from Frankfurt to Brussels is 399 km- about 3 hours 39 mins.Flight:Frankfurt (FRA) to Brussels (BRU)Flight Duration 55 mins
It is 369 miles between Frankfurt, Germany to Namur, Belgium. The estimated drive time between these locations is 3 hours and 27 minutes.
Distance can change about which city you want to go in belgium, but it is between 300-400 km. Nearly 4 hours with the car.
Distance between Frankfurt and Dresden
distance frankfurt to schwabisch hall
The total distance from Frankfurt to Antwerp is 202 miles or 324 kilometers.
The approximate driving distance between Gutersloh and Frankfurt is around 330 kilometers. The exact distance can vary depending on the route taken.
The driving distance between Munich and Frankfurt am Main is 243.5 miles
The distance between Frankfurt am Main and Frankfurt (Hahn) airport is ca. 120 km:
Distance between Frankfurt and Manila The total distance from Frankfurt to Manila is ca. 10.200 km This is equivalent to 6337.98 miles or 5506,89 nautical miles greetz Kim