The total distance from Frankfurt to Antwerp is 202 miles or 324 kilometers.
230 miles
It is 391 Miles from Antwerp to Cherbourg
The distance between Antwerp (Anvers) and BucureÅŸti, by road, is 2 155 km.
The driving distance from Antwerp, Belgium to Verona VR, Italy is 1070km
Distance between Frankfurt and Dresden
distance frankfurt to schwabisch hall
The total driving distance from Antwerp, Belgium to Roubaix, France is 77 miles or 124 kilometers.
144 km
The distance between Ostend (Oostende) and Antwerp (Antwerpen) is approximately 120 Km. (75 Miles). By car it would take around and hour and ten minutes to travel from Ostend to Antwerp.
The approximate driving distance between Gutersloh and Frankfurt is around 330 kilometers. The exact distance can vary depending on the route taken.
The flight distance from Belgium to Frankfurt, Germany is: 212 miles / 342 km