Driving distance is 351 km - about 3 hours 25 minutes per Google Maps.
According to my route planner the distance is 365,3 km. and the driving time is 3 hours and 30 minutes. I bet they got stuck on a roundabout for an extra 14.3 km. Whaddaya think?
218 miles
The distance from Barcelona in Spain to Valencia in Spain is approx 218 miles.It would normally take about 3 hours 25 minutes to drive.Longer if you take a break on route.
The most famous ones are Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, listed from largest to smallest. They are also the three largest cities in Spain.
It is 287 miles from Denia to Barcelona. It take a little less than 4.5 hours to drive.
Madrid, Barcelona , valencia
218 miles
The principle ports of Spain are Valencia, Algeciras, and Barcelona.
1Madrid2,824,0002Barcelona1,454,000Madrid has 3,255,944 in the city proper and about 6,500,000 in the Madrid Metropolitan area. Barcelona has 1,621,527 in the city proper and 3,186,461 in Greater Barcelona.Madrid and Barcelona
Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia
Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
The principle cities of Spain are Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Sevilla.
218 miles