The distance from Savannah, GA to Athens, GA is roughly 222 miles.
230 miles.
Starting on Baxter Street in Athens, GA, and arriving at W. Bay St. in Savannah, GA, is a 238mile or 4hr trip if you take US441S out of Athens and at Dublin get on I-16E into Savannah. There are some alternate routes, but they all end up being the same time and distance, more or less.
The distance from sylvania ga to Savannah ga is 58 miles / 94 Km
driving distance from cadiz KY to Savannah ga
240 milesIts about 225.1 miles so about 4 hours and 11 minutes.3 to do it comfortably - possibly slightly less
distance from atlanta Georgia to Savannah Georgia
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to Savannah, GA is 983 miles.
About 125 miles.
38.6 miles
The shortest driving distance is 174 miles.
Assuming you mean from one to the other, it would be 225 miles.
Whats the direction from statesboro ga to homerville ga