About 15 miles, but there's a toll bridge between them which can have long tailbacks.
According to trueknowledge.com, it is 29.83 miles from Towson to Annapolis.
38 miles
30.6 miles
Distance: 30.7 miles (about 42 minutes)
The distance between these two places is 89 miles. This distance is only approximate. This is not the exact distance.
It is 30 miles according to Google Maps
The driving distance from Frederick MD to Annapolis MD is 70 miles via I-70 E per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 1 hour and 11 minutes.
The total distance from Annapolis, MD to Woodstock, NY is 246 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 395 kilometers or 213 nautical miles.
The distance between Annapolis MD and Evansville IN is about 745 road miles.
35 miles
394 miles