It is 437.9 miles between Anaheim, California and Napa Valley, California. The estimated driving drive time between these locations is 6 hours and 33 minutes.
The driving distance from Napa Valley to Anaheim, California is about 427 miles.
~64 miles to the center of Napa Valley
~64 miles to the center of Napa Valley
The driving distance from Sacramento, California to Napa Valley is about 60 miles.
438 miles
411 miles
The shortest route is about 425 miles *yikes* There are two other routes, which are both 480 miles.
How far is it from Fresno, CAlifornia to Napa Valley, CAlifornia
Napa is 768.64 miles according to MapQuest.
About 65 miles
about 400 miles
about 400 miles