Distance between Simi Valley, CA and China is 6,851 mi.
411 miles
The distance between the start point and the destination is 146 miles, and will take approximately 2 hours 25 minutes of driving time.
The address of the Simi Valley Library is: 2969 Tapo Canyon Rd., Simi Valley, 93063 2117
Roughly 430 miles from Simi Valley, CA to Phoenix,AZ
Total Travel Estimates: 40 hours 55 minutes / 2777.99 milesMapquest.com will prove you with directions and distance.
The phone number of the Simi Valley Library is: 805-526-1735.
Simi Valley Hospital was created in 1965.
Simi Valley is located in Ventura County, in Southern California. Simi Valley is approximately forty-five minutesnorthwest of Los Angeles, and forty minutes east of Ventura. It is approximately a forty minute drive to the Pacific Ocean to the west, including famous Malibu Beach. Simi Valley is conveniently located near several major freeways providing easy access to all of California, including the San Diego (405) Freeway, the Golden State (5) Freeway, the Ronald Reagan/Simi Valley-San Fernando Valley (118) Freeway, and the Moorpark (23) Freeway. During high traffic times driving between Simi Valley will take at least 90 minutes. For planning purposes you should allow yourself 120 minutes.
The address of the Rancho Simi Foundation is: 6503 Katherine Rd, Simi Valley, CA 93063-4786
Simi Valley High School was created in 1920.
Simi Valley, California, is in area code 805.