According to, it is 29.83 miles from Towson to Annapolis.
46 miles
How far is it from Rockville, Maryland to Roanoke, Virginia
24 Miles - 39 Km
433 miles
The distance between these two places is 64.6 miles. This distance is only approximate. This is not exact distance.
The driving distance between Rockville and Bel Air MD is 68 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 1 hour and 31 minutes.
The distance between Rockville, MD and Frederick, MD is approximately 30 miles.
44 miles
There are about 138 miles between Turnersville, NJ and Rockville, MD.
The driving distance from Rockville, MD, USA to Cleveland, OH, USA is 352.94mi / 568km
40 miles taking this route:Take MD-200 (Inter-County Connector) (toll road) EAST, from Rockville, to I-95 NORTH to BALTIMORE.Take I-95 NORTH to BALTIMORE.