The distance between Kiev, Ukraine and Chernobyl, Ukraine is 83.015 miles or 133.6 kilometers. The average driving time is 1 hour 51 minutes.
The flight distance from Montreal, Canada to Kiev, Ukraine is: 4,423 miles / 7,119 km
Chernobyl is near the city of Pripyat in Ukraine.
307 Miles
695 miles
560 miles
The approximate distance between Sochi and Chernobyl is around 1,500 kilometers. They are located in different countries, with Sochi being a city in Russia and Chernobyl being a town in Ukraine.
1,281.86 km by road.
469 kilo(292 miles)
825 miles
The city of Pripyat is located in Northern Ukraine near Chernobyl and Kiev.
The distance between Kiev Ukraine and Hamburg Germany is approximately 895 miles or 1,440 kilometers.
They are 475 km away. The estimated time of travel is 6 hours.