The driving distance from London Heathrow Airport to Portsmouth, UK is 117 km
There are 8750 km (5440 mi) between Heathrow Airport and LAX airport.
The driving distance from London Heathrow Airport to London City Airport is 37 miles.
The city of Bath is approximately 75 miles west of Heathrow Airport.
591 miles
The distance from the center of Oxford to London Heathrow Airport is almost exactly 40 miles (64 kilometers).
The London Heathrow airport is the busiest airport within the United Kingdom. The distance between Portsmouth and Long Heathrow airport is exactly 103 miles which takes about one hour and fifty minutes to travel.
The driving distance from London Heathrow Airport to London Stansted Airport is 64 miles / 103 km
The distance as the crow flies between Heathrow and Gatwick is approximately 30 miles (48.27 Km)
About 20 miles
About 100 miles
About 195 miles