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200 miles

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Q: What is the distance between concord California to Reno Nevada?
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What is the distance between Monterey California and Reno Nevada?

316 miles.

What is the distance between Reno Nevada and San Bernardino California?

About 450 miles.

What is the distance between San Francisco California and Nevada City California?

It is 147 miles according to Google Maps.

Mountains lie between California and Nevada?

Sierra Nevada are the mountains that lie between California and Nevada.

What is the distance between Reno Nevada and San Jose California?

It is 248.79 miles accoording to MapQuest.

What is the distance between Lassen Volcanic National Park California and Reno Nevada?

152 miles

What is the distance between Reno Nevada and Redding California?

It is 199 miles accprding to Google Maps.

What is the driving distance between riverside CA and las Vegas?

The driving distance from Riverside, California to Las Vegas, Nevada is 238 miles.

What is the distance between Henderson Nevada and Santa Barbara California?

i would say around 250 miles at the least

What is the distance between Las Vegas Nevada and Santa Monica California?

It is 283 miles according to Google Maps.

What is the capital of the state that separates California and Nevada?

There are no states between California and Nevada.

What state borders Nevada the longest distance?
