It is 222 miles according to Google Maps.
Doing the speed limit it is about a four hour drive from Wpg to Fargo.
No buses from Fargo to Winnipeg can be found.
The driving distance from Fargo ND to Killarney, Manitoba, Canada is 266 miles via US-2 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 4 hours and 26 minutes.
Saskatoon, Regina, Kenora, Thunder Bay, Fargo, Bismarck, Sioux Falls and Minneapolis.
The driving distance is 365km. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
The distance between Fargo and Constanța (straight line) is approx. 10 200 km.
Fargo is about 250 km (160 miles) from the Canadian border at Emerson, Manitoba.
Takes about 3 hours
The Red River of the North is the river which flows through Fargo, North Dakota. The Red River flows north and drains into Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. The Mississippi River starts in northern Minnesota, about 150 miles east of Fargo, North Dakota.
about as fast/long as waiting for answer.
It's their climate, mid-continent climate. The same situation exists in our North American mid continent cities such as Winnipeg, Fargo, etc or larger, Manitoba and North Dakota,