The below given calculated time and distance does not include time spent in traffic, effect of weather and other obstacles. The distance between these two places is 109 miles. The above said location can be reached from the starting position in 2 hours 18 minutes.
15 miles
The distance between Dover and Wilmington Delaware is 51.37 miles.
It is 47.80 miles according to MapQuest.
1208 miles
420 miles.
In Delaware, it's 15 miles.
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Wilmington, Delaware is:1 hour 50 minutes
Driving Distance: 92 miles Driving Time: 1 hours, 58 minutes
It is 269.83 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance is about 97 road miles.
It is 125.90 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 752 miles according to Google Maps.