There are Zero miles distance as England and Wales share a border; there is no large body of water or Another Country between them.
The distance between Manchester, England and Holyhead, Wales is about 120 road miles or 193 km.
The distance between the west coast of Wales and the east coast of England can vary depending on the specific locations chosen, but generally it is around 200-250 miles.
The country between Scotland and Wales is... England.
146 miles - taking 3 hours 42 minutes
About 330 miles
England and Wales are both integral parts of the United Kingdom.
the act of union between England and wales was in 1536.
England and Wales are connected by land but there is a body of water between parts of England and Wales. The body of water between the south-west of England and the South of Wales is the Bristol Channel, it is not a sea. Though to the north of Wales there is the Irish Sea.
Wales. Wales. Wales.
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Wales is: 4,266 miles / 6,866 km
The straight line distance between Charlotte NC, USA, and Cardiff, Wales, is 3,865 miles. (6,219km).
From Birminham, England to Port Talbot, South Wales is about 135.5 miles.