1361 miles
distance between Vancouver airport and downtown
It is 1,276 miles according to Google Maps.
The air distance from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Palm Springs, California, is 1,119 miles. That equals 1,801 kilometers or 972 nautical miles.
No, there are 2,078 miles between Vancouver, California and Hamilton, California.
The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 803.04mi . This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen.
The flight distance between Vancouver and Hong Kong is 6,386 miles / 10,278 km
There is a distance of 9,208 miles between Vancouver Canada and Perth Australia. This is based the average flight distance.
Driving from Eureka, California to Vancouver, Washington would take about 7 hours by car. There is approximately 420 miles between the two locations.
It's about 600 miles to the border, but since California is 770 miles long, your actual mileage may vary.
1279 miles
From Halifax to Vancouver is 3804.95 miles