73.01 miles exact. (I used a distance between city calculator).
The driving distance between Dowagiac MI and South Bend IN is about 24.5 road miles.
If mailed in the morning, it takes one day for a letter to go between Chicago and South Bend. Otherwise, it takes two days.
The distance between South Bend, Indiana and Shipshewana, Indiana is approximately 50 miles.
The distance between Joliet, Illinois, and South Bend, Indiana, is approximately 90 miles by road.
The total distance from Indianapolis, IN to South Bend, IN is 132 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 213 kilometers or 115 nautical miles.
278 miles South Bend Regional Airport (SBN) to London International Airport (YXU)
400 miles
701 miles
The driving distance from Chicago Midway International Airport to South Bend Regional Airport is about 100 miles.
The driving distance between South Bend, IN and Chicago, IL is approximately 95 miles. The driving time would be approximately 1 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
It is 95.2 miles according to Google Maps.