Distance from Seattle to New York is, 2412 miles (road), or 2096 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.com
3884 km
2855 miles
It is 2,857 miles according to Google Maps.
The total distance from New York City to Seattle is 2,400 miles. This is equivalent to 3,863 kilometers or 2,086 nautical miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 2,436 air miles.
The distance between New York and Missouri varies depending on the cities you are traveling between. For example, the distance between New York City and St. Louis, Missouri is approximately 875 miles.
The distance between Schenectady to New York is 145 miles/233 kilometers.
What is the distance between Cincinatti Ohio and new York?
What is the distance from glasgow to new york?
Distance:The direct distance between Seattle, Washington and New York, NY is 2413 miles (3884 km).The driving distance from Seattle to New York is 2,851 mi- about 1 day 18 hours.Flight:Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA) to New York, NY (NYC)Flight Duration 4 hours 50 mins
The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport is 2,421 miles.