Sarnia, Canada is approximately 169 miles away from Niagara Falls, Canada. A flight would take about 50 minutes to complete.
Seventeen (17) is the air mileage in Canada from Sarnia to Niagara Falls. That equals 273 kilometers or 148 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Sarnia, ON, Canada to Chicago, IL, USA is 341.64mi / 549.82km
Seventy-four (74) is the kilometer distance in Ontario, Canada, from Sarnia to Chatham-Kent. That equals 46 miles and an hour in driving time.
The distance between Sarnia, Ontario and Strathroy, Ontario is about 41.2 road miles or 66.4 km.
The road mile distance between Sarnia and Windsor is approximately 100 miles.
73 miles
The closest Ontario city bordering Michigan is Sarnia, so the distance from Grand Rapids to Ontario (Sarnia) would be approximately 182.34 miles.
167.89mi / 270.2km
Thirteen thousand one hundred ninety-nine (13,199) is the air kilometer distance from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, to Manila, the Philippines. That equals 8,202 air miles or 7,127 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Sarnia to Windsor is 72.9 road miles.
The distance is 180 road miles.
The distance between the start location and the destination is 655mi, (1,055km), and will take approximately 10 hours 36 minutes of driving time.