By taking 285 South to Clines Corners you can save both time and mileage as well as avoiding the Albuquerque traffic congestion. At Clines Corners you pick up I-40 and the trip to Amarillo will have covered only 279.86 miles and will require an estimated 4 hours and 12 minutes of driving time. Via Albuquerque you add at least an extra hour of driving and an extra 75 miles.
938 miles
639 miles.The distance between Santa Fe NM and Dallas is about 656 road miles.
The driving distance from Austin, TX to Santa Fe, NM is 690 miles.
The address of the Santa Fe Historical Railway Museuminc is: 600 S Tyler Suite 1406, Amarillo, TX 79101-2353
The driving distance from Santa Fe, NM to Ottawa, KS is 708 miles.
281 Miles
703 miles
Denver CO to Santa Fe NM is 285 miles in a straight line.
742 miles taking this route: # Take I-35 NORTH from Dallas to I-40 WEST to AMARILLO at EXIT 126. # Take I-40 WEST to U.S. 285 to VAUGHN and SANTA FE at EXIT 218B in NEW MEXICO. # Turn RIGHT off the exit ramp onto U.S. 285 NORTH to SANTA FE, then take U.S. 285 NORTH to Santa Fe.
The distance between Santa Fe, NM, and Nashville, TN, is 1,210 miles and will take about 17 Hours 49 Minutes of driving time.
2460 miles
It is 63.34 miles according to MapQuest.