About 502.30 miles according to MapQuest.
510 miles taking this route:
550 miles http://www.hm-usa.com/distance/ca.html
The distance has been calculated as being: 719 kilometres (449 miles).
El Paso to San Diego is about 725 miles, Houston to San Francisco is about 1930.
There are about 10 miles between south San Francisco to San Francisco.
It takes approximately 8 hours of driving time to get from San Francisco to San Diego.
The distance between San Francisco and Tokyo is 5130 miles
The distance is 502 road miles.
The distance between San Francisco and Atlanta is 2,134 miles
The driving distance is 501 miles per Map Quest. The driving time from San Francisco per Map Quest is 8 hours and 8 minutes.
There is a distance of 121 miles between San Diego and Los Angeles in California. There is a distance of 381.9 miles between San Francisco and Los Angeles in California. There is a distance of 502.5 miles between San Francisco and San Diego in California.
About 8 hours.