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You have to specify which Rosetown and which Weyburn you are asking about.

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Q: What is the distance between Rosetown and Weyburn?
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What is the distance between moose jaw and weyburn?

The distance is 145km

What is the distance between weyburn and Regina?

72 miles

How far is it from Saskatoon to Rosetown?

Estimated Time: 1 hour 21 minutes Estimated Distance: 72.17 miles

Is weyburn safe?

Yes , Weyburn is safe .

What is Weyburn's population?

The population of Weyburn is 10,484.

When was Weyburn created?

Weyburn was created in 1898.

When was Weyburn Airport created?

Weyburn Airport was created in 1941.

When was The Weyburn Regiment created?

The Weyburn Regiment was created in 1924.

What is the area of Weyburn?

The area of Weyburn is 15.78 square kilometers.

What is Weyburn's motto?

Weyburn's motto is 'Vision, Achievement, Progress'.

How tall is Elsie Weyburn?

Elsie Weyburn is 5' 5".

Whose the mayor of Weyburn?

Weyburn, Saskatchewan Mayor Debra Button