2,885 miles taking this route:
The distance between Philadelphia and San Francisco is 2530 miles or 4072 kilometers.The driving distance between Philadelphia and San Francisco is 2,875 mi-about a day and a half to drive.If you were to take an airplane, it would take approximately 6 hours and 18 minutes to get from one to another.
There are about 10 miles between south San Francisco to San Francisco.
The distance between San Francisco and Tokyo is 5130 miles
The distance between San Francisco and Atlanta is 2,134 miles
The total distance from San Mateo, CA to San Francisco, CA is 25 kilometers or 15 miles.
There are about 15.030 miles between San Francisco, CA and San Rafael, CA.
Distance between Charlotte and San Francisco... Total distance. Charlotte to San Francisco: 2302 miles or 3705 kilometers ...
The air distance from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to San Francisco, California, is 2,524 miles. That equals 4,062 kilometers or 2,193 nautical miles.
The driving distance between Houston and San Francisco is 1,926 road miles.
1,735 miles.
34 miles
26 miles