The flight distance from Montreal, Canada to Newburgh, New York is: 277 miles / 445 km
about 900 miles
It is approximately 312 miles from New Haven to Providence.
There are 86.616 miles between Mountainside, NJ and New Haven, CT.
According to Google Maps, travelling via I-95 S gives a distance of 80.9 miles (130 kilometres) between New Haven, Connecticut and New York, New York.
The shortest driving distance is 136 miles.
The distance between Fairfield, CT and New Haven, CT is approximately 20 miles.
about 1,805 miles
The flight distance is 2,504 miles. The shortest driving distance is 2,857 miles.
It is 90.7 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 39.9 miles taking I-91.
There are 38.31 miles between Hartford, Connecticut and New Haven, Connecticut. The driving time is 35 minutes when you take I-91 S.