about 25 miles
The shortest driving distance is 22.3 miles.
The distance between Fort Lauderdale, FL, and Miami International Airport, United States, is 31.4 miles and will take about 39 Minutes of driving time.
45 km
About 30 miles driving distance.
The distance is 27 miles. We can't show you a map here, but there are many other fine websites that can.
What is the driving distance between Miami airport and Sarasota Airport
The driving distance from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport to the port of Miami is about 26 miles and 35-45 minutes driving time.
The shortest distance is 26.6 miles.
The driving distance from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami is 27.5 road miles.
Fort Lauderdale
45 min to 1 hour - depending on traffic